Hotline for employees of insurance companies

  • Telephone “Joker” for questions regarding benefits
  • Medical assessments regarding specific benefits
  • Support to explain and justify decisions in specific, individual cases
  • Support by experts in the areas of medicine, psychology, complaint management and communication

Facilitate the experts of MD Medicus to increase customer loyalty

Part of our service portfolio for health funds is the so called “Telephone Joker“, a wild card information hotline for your employees. This hotline provides competent assessments and answers to any medical question that may come up during a working day. Your employees’ questions will be answered by highly qualified experts in the areas of medicine, psychology, complaint management and communication. Since there is nothing worse for a policy holder than to wait a long time for an answer, or even having a benefit rejected, we support your customer’s satisfaction by providing this service.

Our information hotline provides your employee directly with medical feedback regarding the planned treatment or will provide a suggestion for alternative treatments. This avoids the policy holder waiting and they will definitely get a competent answer. The quick, competent advice, and the knowledge that the case is actually handled by a medical specialist, builds up the policy holder’s trust in the health fund.

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  1. MD Medicus
  2. Health Counselling & Care Assistance
  3. In-Home Service Call & Telemedicine
  4. Care & Rehab Management
  5. Counselling Abroad
  6. Travel & Tropical Medicine
  7. Assistance for companies & abroad