Marketing support

  • Creation of medical information brochures and mailings tailored to certain target groups
  • Implementation and moderation of discussion forums
  • Management of information and campaigns 

Communication tailored to specific target groups

Customer recruitment, and gaining customer loyalty, in most cases requires tailored marketing campaigns. It becomes vital, even for health funds, to improve services in order to be ahead of the competition and build a close relationships with policy holders. So, how do you approach your customers best? And how can you address their requests?

With MD Medicus' marketing support includes company and target group specific know how in the health sector. This expertise is available to you so you can take advantage of the ever changing circumstances so that you can make the most of the market potential. We give you access to our unparalleled market knowledge and experience.  When we develop our specific concepts we work closely with strategic partners like Price Waterhouse Coopers and other renowned consulting companies.

MD Medicus is your media partner with tailored design and content capability. No matter if you need appealingly designed newsletters, flyers, brochures or even the facilitation of electronic media like mailings or forums – we support your marketing campaigns with content, visual images or advice on customers or group specific requirements.

Our in-house fulfillment center can handle your entire information and campaign management.

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  1. MD Medicus
  2. Health Counselling & Care Assistance
  3. In-Home Service Call & Telemedicine
  4. Care & Rehab Management
  5. Counselling Abroad
  6. Travel & Tropical Medicine
  7. Assistance for companies & abroad